DMF Websites / Portals
DMF Contractors and Team members have access to our website and portals on desktop computer or handheld devices.
The website should be your FIRST check in point, before contacting DMF staff.
We endeavour to have all necessary forms, links and information available to all our contractors.
These pages should be bookmarked for frequent use.

Contractors Portal
The Contractors
Portal contains all necessary site related information (available by building), as well as all forms/links/permits that are required day to
Information on Online Forms can be found here: ADD LINK HERE

Please ensure you visit your building site page before beginning work.

It is expected that contractors will complete the following for their work site:
1. Watch the Site Induction Video
2. Watch the Contractor Induction Video
3. Complete the Site Registration Details Form
Preferred Contactors Portal
For Preferred Contractors, please select Preferred
Contractors Login. This
will access further information available on, and a login must be used to view this page.
Links to Daily Forms and Important Contacts

Links to Permits & Training

This page is designed to be mobile friendly, and should be used onsite to easily access daily features of working for DMF.
Fitouts Calendar

Fitouts Projects Links

More details can be found on the Fitouts/Projecs Training Page on ADD LINK HERE