All requests for work should be supported by a Purchase Order (PO) from us, with a supporting
quotation from you. Any changes in scope of work (>10% of value) should be supported by a
Change Order (CO) from us.
All invoices need to have the PO/CO number referenced on it
i.e. PO# 35257
Please ensure all invoices reflect the Bill-to entity, as per the PO, otherwise the invoice will be returned to be rectified. (We have over 20 properties and 17 entities)
i.e. The Caboolture Partnership for 10 King Street
All invoices are to be sent promptly – there have been instances where there are days between the invoice date and us receiving it.
To encourage contractors to have their invoices into us ASAP, you have the option to submit the invoice, and details, via our Asana form. You have more chance of getting paid on time utilising this method.
Otherwise, all invoices MUST be emailed and MUST include
(please note the change from accounts@)
Due Dates are
calculated based on the date we RECEIVE the invoices, not the date on the invoice.
From the time we receive the invoice, it then goes through the approval process (so having the PO numbers assists with matching the invoice to the PO and the work requested).
If the manager is happy the work has been completed properly, the invoice will be approved in due course, and passed through the system for
Juvi to enter into Yardi. This can take days to reach the end of the process. Therefore, a seven (7) day account is not feasible for us to
pay in, unfortunately.
Prior to payment, I review invoices and will raise queries with the team regarding any abnormalities, or questions I may have.