HOW DMF Uses Asana

DMF Uses a number of software programs to assist with running the business these include:

- Microsoft Office Suite ( Outlook, Teams, etc )
- Yardi ( Accounting and Property Management software )
- Asana for Communication, project management and task management

Contractors will have most interaction with DMF via the ASANA Platform.

Why do we need ASANA

- DMF Uses ASANA to project manage approx 50-60 Fitout projects at any time including preparing budgets, managing documents and certificates, site attendances and scheduling timeframes.

- We also manage approx 60-70 maintenance Requests every week across 17 properties and 40 buildings.

- We look after leases, entry / exit reports and vacancies internally on all of these properties including approx. 230 Tenants

- We deal with approx. 150 different contactors at any one time.

Asana allows us to keep track of all of the above in a clear and concise manner and allows us to allocate tasks to staff and contractors along with the ability to track progress with accountability. Considering we need to track approx 800 individual tasks every week to maintain the business at this stage Asana is the most suitable solution for us to utilise!

The Main Features DMF Utilise

My Tasks

Tells me what tasks are assigned to me personally that I am responsible for and need to action generally with due dates.


Sends me a notification on tasks / projects I am associated with to keep me informed of progess and communication.


Used to keep track of workloads, Project progress, Budgets and outstanding tasks that need to be followed up or task specific reporting.

Forms / Permits

Used to track and action permits, requests and such so that we can document and action as required.


Asana is used to associate Requests with PO's and then with supplier invoices to be then processed in accounting software. Allows for transparency in documentation and communication to ensure DMF can process efficiently.

Project Management

Project management is one of the critical functions of Asana. From Budget requests, to document control and communication to scheduling and time management.

DMF not only uses Asana for fitouts and maintenance but also create projects around general office tasks, Roles and responsibilities, training and Sales and Marketing to track all tasks associated with all of these critical business functions. Since Asana is scalable is suits our purpose at this stage perfectly.