Corner House Residences,

18 Stoneham St, Stones Corner, QLD 4120


Buyers Portal Access

Buyers Portal Buyers Portal

Agent Portal Access

Agent Portal Agent Portal

Contractors Portal Access

Contractors Portal Contractors Portal

Corner House Residences is a state-of-the-art mixed-use development featuring 88 residential units and retail space. Designed to integrate urban living with commercial convenience, this project prioritizes sustainability, modern architecture, and community engagement.

Address of the Development Project:

   18 Stoneham St, Stones Corner QLD 4120                                       
No. Of Apartments:    88                                                                                                                
Type of Development:
   Mixed-Use Retail & Residential
   De Martini Fletcher (DMF)
Construction Company:    DMF Construct


Showroom Location:

18 Stoneham St, Stones Corner QLD 4120 



(07) 3211 2033   

Level 10,
46 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

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