Brochure - 8-22 King Street
Block B, Suite 29-30 - 109sqm
Rental rate (month):
$448/sqm NET + Outgoings + GST
$575/sqm GROSS + GST
rental total (year):
$48,832 NET + Outgoings + GST
$62,675 GROSS + GST
Estimated Outgoings
(Budget 2024-2025):
The Lessee will pay a proportional share of the total building outgoings.
Currently estimated to be $127/sqm approx.
Car Parking:
Ample car parks in Lakes Centre
John De Martini Jnr: 0412 669 698
Sally Collins Property Manager:
0401 258 547
property Info:
- Located in the heart of Caboolture
- Ample car parks
- Walking distance to public transport
- Next to the Lake and park lands